No Firearms Returned Yet, MoD Sets Deadline

No Firearms Returned Yet, Defense Ministry Sets November 6 Deadline

by Staff Writer 07-10-2024 | 12:48 PM

COLOMBO (News 1st); The Ministry of Defense has reiterated its call for civilians to return all firearms and ammunition by 4 PM on November 6.

The Ministry stated that, as of this morning, no firearms or ammunition have been returned to the government's commercial explosives warehouse, despite 72-hours since an official notice was made public.

Additionally, the Ministry has instructed that firearms issued to Members of Parliament for personal security, including repeater firearms, must also be returned.

The Ministry emphasized that all types of firearms and ammunition provided to civilians for personal protection are being temporarily recalled by the government. 

It was noted that a total of 1,690 firearms had been issued over time for the protection of 1,500 individuals. Moving forward, firearms will only be issued based on intelligence reports.