Semi-Luxury bus services to be terminated in May

Semi-Luxury bus services to be terminated from May 2023

by Zulfick Farzan 18-04-2023 | 11:20 AM

COLOMBO (News 1st); The National Transport Commission said that the existing Semi-Luxury Bus Service will cease operations from May 2023.

Director General of the National Transport Commission Commander (Rtd) Dr. Nilan Miranda told News 1st that the Semi-Luxury Bus Service will be converted to a normal service or a luxury service.

He said the owners of the Semi-Luxury Bus Service have already been informed about terminating the service.

"Semi Luxury bus services can convert their service to a normal service or luxury service until the 31st of May without any additional charge," he added.

The Director General of the NTC said that the Sri Lanka Transport Board was also informed to convert Semi-Luxury Bus Services to normal service or Luxury Service.