BASL Warns Against Interference in Judiciary

BASL Warns Against MP Interference in Judicial Functions

by Zulfick Farzan 25-06-2024 | 3:30 PM

COLOMBO (News 1st); The Bar Association of Sri Lanka (BASL) says that Members of Parliament should not interfere with the functions of the judiciary or the functions of the JSC by making statements under the protection of parliamentary privileges.

It added that such statements will have serious consequences for undermining the public trust and the confidence placed in the judicial system.

In a statement on Tuesday (25), the Bar Association of Sri Lanka said that it re-affirms its commitment to safeguard the independence of the judiciary and upholding the rule of law.

The statement comes in light of the speeches made by the Minister of Justice, and several other MPs on the 19th of June 2024 during a parliamentary debate.

The BASL, noting the statement issued by the Judicial Service Association a day earlier, said that it affirms its support for an independent and fearless judiciary, which is essential for the preservation of the rule of law.

It noted that any alleged misconduct on the part of any judicial officer ust be first inquired into impartially, and if found guilty dealt with severely, as the office of a judge is sacrosanct in the minds of the people.