X-Press Pearl case: Objections to be filed

X-Press Pearl: Objections to be filed against restrictions on compensation

by Staff Writer 19-01-2024 | 6:58 AM

COLOMBO (News 1st); The Attorney General's Department said it will file objections before the British High Court of Admiralty on the 29th of January against the restrictions imposed on compensation for the damage caused by the fire and sinking of the X-Press Pearl vessel.

The Attorney General's Department said the court had earlier limited the compensation that could be obtained from the company that owns the vessel to 19.5 million Sterling Pounds.

As a result, there were limitations to recover sufficient compensation for the damage caused by the sinking of the vessel.

A detailed statement is scheduled to be submitted to the Court on the 27th of January in relation to the lawsuit brought before the Singapore International Commercial Court (SICC) to recover compensation from the shipping company.

The evidence in the case will be heard thereafter.

The Attorney General's Department added that the Harbor Master will be presented as the first witness.