HRCSL to investigate Aswesuma welfare programme

HRCSL to investigate Aswesuma welfare benefit programme

by Staff Writer 19-01-2024 | 7:50 AM

COLOMBO (News 1st); The Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka has reached a decision to launch an investigation regarding the Aswesuma social welfare benefits programme.

HRCSL Commissioner Attorney Nimal Punchihewa said many complaints were filed in this regard, by individuals and organizations.

He said complaints were filed over the benefit not being granted to eligible groups, the fairness of certain eligibility criteria and the selection process.

Punchihewa said an investigation will be launched to determine if the guidelines were fair and if the selection process was carried out in a proper manner. 

In the meantime, another 300,000 families have qualified to receive the Aswesuma welfare benefit, after considering 640,000 appeals and objections.

Acting Minister of Finance Shehan Semasinghe said the number of families receiving the benefit has exceeded 1.7 million.

5,209 families who were receiving the benefit have also become ineligible, following objections and appeals.

The Acting Minister added that Aswesuma payments from last July to December will be released to the families that were selected as eligible to receive the benefit, before the next Aswesuma payment is released.

The Acting Finance Minister said that nearly 1.1 million appeals and objections were received and they will be considered as soon as possible.