Electricity commission to replace PUCSL?

by Zulfick Farzan 03-05-2023 | 8:48 AM

COLOMBO (News 1st); The Chairman of the Public Utilities Commission of Sri Lanka Janaka Ratnayake warned that the proposed Electricity Reforms Act would lead to multiple issues and complications.

Janaka Ratnayake, the Chairman of the Public Utilities Commission of Sri Lanka  said "The proposed Electricity Reforms Act 2023 is a very confidential document and has not been made available to the media. The objective of introducing this is to do away with all the acts and amendments including the Electricity Act of 1967, and the Electricity Act of 2009 and introduce a completely new legislation.

He said that through this new legislation it is expected to divide the Ceylon Electricity Board into fourteen separate entities and vest the assets with companies that are set up as per the provisions of the Companies Act No. 7 of 2007.

"They are trying to replace the Public Utilities Commission of Sri Lanka with an electricity commission. The Cabinet has not granted permission for such a thing. When the PUCSL acts per the law, the Ministry of Power and Energy and Wijesekera become uncomfortable, and they want to abolish the PUCSL," he told reporters on Tuesday (2).