X-Press Pearl case to be filed in Singapore

X-Press Pearl case to be filed in Singapore

by Staff Writer 24-04-2023 | 8:55 AM

COLOMBO (News 1st); The Attorney General's Department said action will be filed at a court in Singapore on Monday (24) seeking compensation for the damages caused by the X-Press Pearl Disaster. 

Speaking to News 1st Attorney General Sanjaya Rajarathnam said that the matter has been handed over to a legal firm in Singapore. 

These steps were taken after the cabinet approved them. 

The Attorney General said that the amount of compensation claimed will be notified in the future. 

He added that the Marine Environment Protection Authority is to submit a report on the matter. 

Commenting on the move to file legal action in Singapore Chairman of the Centre for Enviromental Justice Attorney Dr. Ravindranath Dabare said the government authorities had not previously stated that legal action will be filed in Singapore and it is a recent development.

He said they have concerns over why the decision was reached in haste and who reached decisions regarding funding for the legal action.

Dr. Ravindranath Dabare said the people may have a reasonable concern over links between the decision and the existing allegations.