JVP gears up to table 20th ammendment

JVP prepares to table proposed 20th amendment to the constitution in Parliament

by Staff Writer 07-05-2018 | 12:12 AM
COLOMBO (News 1st) - The Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP) convened a media briefing at the party headquarters today (May 6), to inform the public on the proposed 20th amendment to the constitution, which the JVP is to table in Parliament in the near future. The proposed 20th amendment to the constitution, which seeks to abolish the executive presidency, will be presented to parliament as a private member's bill. JVP Propaganda Secretary MP Vijitha Herath, informed the media today (May 6) for the first time, on the contents of the proposed amendment. Key among the provisions is the election of a President by the members of parliament, instead of the current executive president elected by the public. If the proposed 20th amendment is adopted by parliament, it will come into effect on the 8th of January 2020. While the current parliament would be dissolved at that time, the President elected thereafter by the new Parliament will function as Head of State but not Head of Government. This nominal president would also be unable to hold a ministerial portfolio and would not chair or participate in meetings of the cabinet of ministers. However, as per the provisions in the JVP's Bill, the President would be informed of cabinet decisions and would have the right to make suggestions. While none of the powers vested in the President through the 13th amendment will be subject to change by the proposed 20th amendment, the President will retain the power to appoint Governors of the provinces. The JVP's proposed amendment also notes that the President's power to appoint Ambassadors and High Commissioners and grant pardons, would be subject to cabinet approval. The proposed amendment also does away with the President's power to prorogue parliament as per his prerogative. https://www.facebook.com/NewsfirstSL/videos/1938102592916656/