2024 GCE O/L Examination Begins Today

2024 GCE O/L Examination Begins Today

by Staff Writer 17-03-2025 | 8:59 AM

The 2024 GCE Ordinary Level Examination commences today and will continue until the 26th of March.

A total of 534 examination coordination centers have been established for this year's exam, which will be conducted at 3,663 examination centers across the country.

A total of 478,182 candidates are set to sit for the examination, with 398,182 of them being school candidates. 

The exam will begin each day at 8:30 AM.

For the first time, special examination centers have been set up in Ratmalana, Tangalle, Matara, and Chilaw to accommodate children with special needs.

Commissioner General of Exams, Amith Jayasundara said candidates should ensure that they bring the following items to the examination center:

Examination card: The examination card is essential to enter the examination center. It becomes valid only when your signature is certified. For school candidates, the principal must certify the ticket, while private candidates should verify the authority responsible for certification.

Valid Identity Card: Every candidate must present a valid identity card at the examination center. Acceptable forms of identification include the National Identity Card issued by the Department of Registration of Persons, a passport, or a driver's license.

Stationery: Candidates are advised to bring pens, pencils, and other necessary materials for the examination.

A water bottle is allowed if required.

Items Not Allowed in the Examination Hall:
There are strict regulations regarding items that candidates cannot bring to the examination hall. 

Mobile Phones and Electronic Devices: Mobile phones, smartwatches, and any other electronic communication devices are strictly prohibited. If found in possession of such devices, candidates will face severe consequences, including a five-year ban from taking future exams.

Notes and Erasers: The use of notes and erasers is also not permitted during the examination.

Candidates should arrive at the examination center by 8:30 AM for the morning session. The afternoon examination will begin at 1:00 PM, with the exception of Fridays when it starts at 2:00 PM. The latest a candidate can arrive is 30 minutes after the scheduled start time.

In the event of any emergency or disaster, candidates should immediately contact the Disaster Management Center's hotline at 117, where assistance will be provided.

To ensure the safety and smooth conduct of the examination, a special security program has been implemented. 

Over 3,400 police officers have been deployed to examination centers, coordination centers, and the transport of question papers and answer sheets.