Mahabage Police Inspector Arrested on Bribery Char

Mahabage Police Inspector Arrested on Bribery Charges

by Staff Writer 04-07-2024 | 6:20 PM

COLOMBO (News 1st) - A Police Inspector attached to the Mahabage Police station was arrested today by officers from the Commission of Inquiry into Bribery or Corruption Allegations.

The arrest was made based on a complaint filed by a resident of Palliyawatta in Wattala.

The complainant alleges that the inspector demanded a bribe of Rs. 25,000 in exchange for leniency in a debt-related case.

According to the complaint, the inspector offered to allow the remaining balance of the debt to be paid in installments and to avoid bringing the complainant to court, all in exchange for the bribe.

Officials of the Commission of Inquiry into Bribery or Corruption Allegations said investigations are ongoing.