Sri Lankan student fighting for life in Perth

Sri Lankan student fighting for life after ‘one punch attack’ in Perth

by Staff Writer 04-06-2024 | 1:08 PM

COLOMBO (News 1st); A 28-year-old Sri Lankan international student is fighting for life at Royal Perth Hospital one week after being coward punched by a stranger at a fuel station.

His family friends and family are desperately trying to raise funds to aid his recovery.

Sri Lankan-born Geeth Madushanka was randomly assaulted at the Nicolson Road BP in Langford May 25 while paying for fuel at the night counter.

He is now fighting for life at Royal Perth Hospital.

Police allege he was pushed and then punched in the face by 30-year-old Cyril Benedict Garlett, before falling back and hitting his head on the concrete forecourt, rendering him unconscious.

Garlett was arrested after a member of the public followed him and provided police with information on his whereabouts.

It was his third alleged attack on a stranger that day, police also claiming he punched another man in his 30s who was approached by him in his car and attempted to attack a third at the same service station a few hours before.
Madushanka, otherwise known as ‘Malli’, had been studying in Perth since last February.

His family are now trying to raise money to help support his recovery.

Garlett was arrested at his Langford address and charged with grievous bodily harm, assault occasioning bodily harm and criminal damage or destruction of property.

He was remanded in custody and will appear in Perth Magistrates Court on June 7 for legal advice.