Vesak Messages From President, PM, Opp. Leader

Vesak Messages From President, PM, Opp. Leader

by Staff Writer 23-05-2024 | 10:17 AM

COLOMBO (News 1st); The Vesak festival is a profoundly sacred day for Buddhists worldwide, commemorating the Buddha’s birth, enlightenment, and passing. Buddhists in Sri Lanka, along with their brethren around the globe, celebrate Vesak with deep devotion. They spend this period engaging in religious observances and venerating the Buddha with fervent devotion, said Sri Lankan President Ranil Wickremesinghe in his Vesak message.

At this challenging moment, we as a nation should cultivate the same great zeal for enlightenment that Buddha exemplified, inspired by his sermon, “Maththasukha parichchaga- passé che vipulan sukhan” – to sacrifice today for a better tomorrow, he added.

We must remember the advice of Lord Buddha, “Sabbattha Sammanaso,” to treat everyone equally and ensure we put it into practice as a country. This is the greatest offering we can present to the Buddha on this Vesak day. Regardless of race, religion, caste, or political affiliation, we must all unite to heal and rebuild our country. The principles of Lichchavi Raja Dharmaya will guide us in this endeavour, said the President.

"Let us keep in mind that the primary aim of the Vesak festival is to foster spiritual growth and character development in a world rapidly advancing physically. I wish everyone a blessed Vesak festival." he added.

Prime Minister's Message

Vesak Poya is the most sacred day for Buddhists, commemorating the birth, enlightenment, and parinirvana of Lord Buddha.

After years of challenges posed by natural disasters and economic crises, we Sri Lankans now have the opportunity to fully celebrate the Vesak festival, said the Prime Minister.

In our ever-changing world, the way we perceive life is constantly evolving. As a result, many are turning to Buddhism to understand the true nature of existence. The Middle Path, as taught in Buddhism, offers this profound insight, added the Prime Minister.

Opposition Leader's Message

The country faces challenging times with financial hardships and struggles impacting lives. Yet, now is the moment to bring an end to this darkness and reignite the light of wisdom, prosperity, and hope. As you light a lamp this Vesak, may it illuminate your path with the wisdom needed to guide our nation out of these difficulties and towards a brighter future, said Opposition Leader Sajith Premadasa in a facebook post.