Food Insecurity High In Sri Lanka's Estate Sector

Food Insecurity High In Sri Lanka's Estate Sector - WFP

by Zulfick Farzan 23-05-2024 | 12:54 PM

COLOMBO (News 1st); The World Food Program says that the highest level of food insecurity in Sri Lanka in 2023, were found in the estate sector, at 51% of households.

The World Food Program released its Household Food Security Overview 2023 report, based on a panel of sample households, said that during last year 24% of households were moderaly food insecure.

In 2023, the percentage of households experiencing food insecurity fluctuated, ranging from 17 percent around March to 24 percent in Aug-Sep 2023. The end of 2023 saw a decline in the proportion of households adopting coping strategies compared to start of the year. However, their food consumption levels still remained at concerning levels, and in-fact got worse towards the end of the year.

It added that 32% of female-headed households were food-inseucre compared to 23% of male-headed households.

The report also noted that 26% of households were consuming an inadequate diet.

It went to claim that 42% of households were turning to food-based coping strategies, while four in ten households employed at lest one livelihood-coping strategy.

According to the Household Food Security Overview 2023 report, households were spending more than 62% of total expenditure on food.