Sri Lanka congratulates Saudi on successful Hajj

Sri Lanka congratulates Saudi Kingdom on successful Hajj

by Staff Writer 03-07-2023 | 2:42 PM

COLOMBO (News 1st) - Sri Lanka’s Ambassador to Saudi Arabia Pakeer Mohideen Amza has congratulated the Saudi leadership for the success of this year’s Hajj, as pilgrims from the country began wrapping up their stay in the Kingdom.

This year, about 3,500 Sri Lankans performed the pilgrimage that is one of the five pillars of Islam.

The Hajj season drew to a close after nearly 1.9 million muslims from around the world performed its rites.

When about 100 Sri Lankan pilgrims faced issues with their accommodation, the problem was resolved, with Saudi authorities providing them alternatives," Amza said as he extended his sincere appreciation.

"The Saudi government has utilized its fullest potential to succeed in the Hajj affairs," he said.