COLOMBO (News 1st); Sri Lanka's Finance Secretary has informed the country's Election Commission that the request letter for funds for the Local Government Election was directed to the Finance Minister for approval.
This was in response to the letter sent to the Finance Secretary by the Election Commission on the 7th of March, seeking funds for the Local Government Election.
Election Commission Chairman Attorney Nimal Punchihewa noted that the Finance Secretary had informed him of the fact that given the current situation in the country, the Finance Secretary's approval alone will be insufficient to provide funds for the Local Government Election.
However, the Election Commission Chairman said he was hopeful the necessary funds will be delivered in due course.
The Local Government Election scheduled for 9th March 2023 was postponed due to the lack of funds, and it was rescheduled to the 25th of April 2023.
Sri Lanka's Supreme Court on 3rd March issued an interim order on the country's Finance Secretary, and the Attorney General who represents the Finance Minister preventing them from withholding any funds allocated by the 2023 Budget for the Local Government Poll 2023.