Colombo (News 1st); The International Monetary Fund says that achieving the IMF-supported program's objectives is a key priority to give Sri Lanka a chance of emerging from one of the worst crises in its history.
A statement from an IMF spokesperson to News 1st said that Sri Lanka's path remains on knife-edge.
"Sri Lanka has made good progress in terms of getting the recovery going, and it will be important to safeguard these hard-won gains. A key priority in the time ahead is to persevere with the reforms that will enable stable and inclusive economic growth and avoid slipping into another crisis," said the IMF spokesperson.
The statement added that the program does get adjusted periodically during regular reviews in light of developments.
The spokesperson said that the IMF is willing to listen to alternative proposals and how the program objectives can be reached, and these must be realistic and achievable within the timeframe of the program.
"In this context, we note that the current IMF-supported program is the result of robust discussions with the authorities, extensive outreach to stakeholders, and a thorough internal review process," said the IMF Spokesperson.