Enhanced Security Measures for Easter

Enhanced Security Measures for Easter

by Staff Writer 29-03-2024 | 4:31 PM

COLOMBO (News 1st); In light of the Easter, a comprehensive security initiative has been initiated, with a primary focus on safeguarding churches across the region.

Police Spokesperson DIG Nihal Thalduwa outlined the details of the security program.

Emphasizing the scope of the operation, Talduwa revealed that 2,253 churches are encompassed within the security framework.

To ensure effective implementation, a formidable force comprising 6,837 police officers has been deployed for this purpose, with plans for further reinforcement in the forthcoming period.

Highlighting the collaborative effort, Talduwa underscored the involvement of approximately 470 officers from the Police Special Task Force, further bolstering the security apparatus.

Additionally, close to 2,900 military personnel have been enlisted to fortify the security measures across the designated areas.

In a plea to the religious leadership, Talduwa urged the Reverend Fathers overseeing these churches to promptly report any suspicious activities and to seek assistance whenever necessary.

He also extended an appeal to devotees, urging their cooperation during security inspections