YMBA demands withdrawal of the proposed ATA

YMBA demands withdrawal of the proposed Anti-Terrorism Bill

by Staff Writer 11-05-2023 | 2:25 PM

COLOMBO (News 1st): The Young Men's Buddhist Association in Colombo has expressed deep concern over the proposed Anti-Terorrism Act, because of its potential consequences on the civil rights and liberties of the Sri Lankan people.

The YMBA has blatantly refused to accept the ATA as a suitable replacement of the Prevention of Terrorism Act because it continues to support the use of draconian provisions.

According to a letter written to Justice Minister Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe, the YMBA makes the claim that the proposed bill violates the civil rights enshrined in the constitution.

The organisation particularly condemns sections 3 (1) and 3 (2) for its vague definition of terrorism that affords authority and law enforcement to have fluid grounds for arrest and detention. Additionally, they accuse the bill for not serving its purpose but instead assigning broad and unchecked powers to the office of the presidency.