COLOMBO (News 1st) - Women’s Rights Groups and Activists across Sri Lanka on Friday demanded the withdrawal of a range of repressive laws and bills, especially focusing on the draconian Online Safety Bill and the Anti Terrorism Bill which they would result in the “end of democracy and fundamental rights”.
“Both Bills have sweeping provisions to seriously curtail and even violate the freedoms of expression, free speech, right to information, assembly and association. Both present fatal threats to democracy and fundamental rights in this country,” the groups and activists said in a strongly worded statement.
“The government’s intention in passing laws that violate the basic values of democratic governance in our Constitution, shows that they want to change course, and establish a political dictatorship,” the statement said.
The Supreme Court is currently hearing 45 petitions against the Online Safety Bill. The Anti-Terrorism Bill has been gazetted twice, but has not yet been placed before Parliament.
“We call upon the govt to WITHDRAW ALL these bills, and engage in a public conversation with qualified persons and citizens on public policy in these important areas. We call upon ALL Members of Parliament to fulfill the above stated Constitutional mandate and VOTE AGAINST these repressive laws,” the statement said.