COLOMBO (News 1st); A fishing expedition off the shores of Kaluvankerny, Eravur ended in tragedy as a boat capsized, resulting in the loss of a life.
According to authorities, the incident claimed the life of a 35-year-old man.
Reports from the local police indicate that the unfortunate victim fell into the turbulent waters after the fishing vessel overturned.
Prompt action from nearby residents led to his rescue, with efforts to transport him to medical care facilities.
Despite the valiant attempts, the victim succumbed to the perilous circumstances.
Simultaneously, concern mounts for another fisherman hailing from Thoduwava village in Maravila, who remains unaccounted for.
Details reveal that the fishing expedition commenced in the early hours of the 12th, with two fishermen from Thoduava village venturing out to sea aboard separate vessels.
The individual, along with his vessel known as 'teppama,' has been reported missing since the ill-fated outing.
Relatives of the missing fisherman have lodged a formal complaint with Thoduwa Police, urging swift action and intensified search efforts to locate Antony Philip Fernando, aged 71 and a father of three.